New materials in kiting have added a higher level of performance than ever before. Still a lot of old favorites are still with us and we'll make sure you find something that's just right for you. Because we believe there's one quality everything we sell should offer, no matter who you are: pure unadulterated fun! |
CUSTOMER SERVICE (541) 994-6700 |
Box Kites More than mere Box kites, new technology has advanced the design of cellular kites to fantastic aerial sculptures. |
Delta Kites Delta kites fly well in a wide range of winds and are among the best light wind fliers. |
Diamond Kites Ben Franklin's favorite kite design is still the top choice for many kiters. |
Dragon Kites Dramatic and beautiful kites that are stable flyers in a wide range of winds. |
Parafoil Kites Free of spars, parafoils are easily stowed in your backpack, pocket, or suitcase. The perfect kite for your next travel adventure. |
Simulators So unique and original, these kites defy being neatly catagorized. Prepare to be amazed! |
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