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Catch the Wind's  giant SpinsocksA tradition of innovation.
Since 1979 Catch the Wind has been providing the public with some of the finest kites, windsocks, and wind toys available. Our staff of experienced kite fliers will make sure you get a kite that's just right for you. While we don't make every product we carry, we guarantee every last one is fun.

A devotion to quality.
Building kites and Spinsocks is an important job and at Catch the Wind we take this subject none too lightly. We have a fanatical devotion to quality. Our comprehensive product line is constantly being refined, improved, and expanded. If you have any questions or comments about our products, we'd love to hear from you!

Store Location:
We're located along the beautiful, windswept beaches of Pacific City, Oregon. Not a bad spot for a wind products company. We encourage you to stop by, we are open seven days a week.


Catch the Wind is a secure site that protects your privacy.
For questions, comments, please call us at (503) 801-0511 or e-mail:

Copyright © 2000 - 2012 Catch The Wind, All rights reserved.

Catch the Wind is a proud member of:

Associated Oregon Kiters
PO Box 25616
Portland, Oregon 97298

American Kitefliers Association
352 Hungerford Drive
Rockville, MD 20850-4117

Kite Trade Association
PO Box 115
Rose Lodge, Oregon 97372-0115